Joystick loader control valve

Joystick loader control valve

- Categories : Hydraulic Master blog

Backhoe loaders are by definition devices that have to be multifunctional. For this reason, the loader control valve joystick is used for their construction. Thanks to the use of the joystick, the operator of the whole device has the ability to operate the bucket very simply.

As a rule, the joystick loader control valve has four directions in which the joystick can move - up, down, right and left. Top and bottom are mostly used to operate with the entire arm, and right and left - with a spoon. Part of the more modern joystick loader control valves will additionally have a fifth direction, the so-called "float position". Most often after it has been pulled, the spoon adheres to the ground to the maximum. This function is very useful, for example, in construction. This is the only position from which the joystick will not automatically return to the zero position, because from every other direction this will happen. What's more, in float position, we still have the option of operating with only the bucket, which further improves the efficiency of the work performed.

The valve itself operates as a standard through the flow of hydraulic fluid through it in the appropriate directions, pressure is generated, which then causes the movement of the respective elements and, as a result, the movement of the arm or the bucket itself.

The joystick itself can also be an integral part of our backhoe loader. In this case, the valve is manipulated remotely. This solution is primarily characterized by a better appearance of the entire machine and the lack of protruding wires, which the manufacturers in this case cleverly hide either under the hood or somewhere on the side or bottom of the device.

The latest and at the same time the most expensive joystick loader control valves offer, apart from the previously mentioned float position, one more joystick position, which also makes the backhoe operator work better. This is a function called "quick dump". This item works the most effectively when the backhoe is fully loaded. After setting it, the bucket goes to the bottom and thus throws away all its contents. Thanks to the use of such a solution, the operator's work is even easier, and the comfort of work increases incomparably.

Therefore, when buying a joystick loader control valve, it is worth paying attention to the previously described items, because not every manufacturer will offer such solutions, and they are incredibly convenient. Four or five joystick positions virtually guarantee us that the manufacturer offers us solutions and materials from the top shelf. The same applies to the purchase of backhoe loaders, which are often the joystick loader control valve is a key part. A good choice of this element can often bring us satisfaction in the future and often also save time, which is often priceless.




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