Joystick hydraulic valve

Joystick hydraulic valve

- Categories : Hydraulic Master blog

Joystick hydraulic valve is one of the main type of valves used in industry. This one is very popular in vehicles or machines to control hydraulic systems operated by people. Joystick hydraulic valve can be found in forklifts, cranes, diggers, trolley trucks and even planes. There are few types of valves and we can divide them by build or type of control. There are one directional, overflow or multi-section.

The principle of operation is similar like in standard directional hydraulic valve. In simple words it is closed tube with two holes and piston inside. One hole is used to attach hose and deliver oli to piston, and make it move with power created by the pump. Second hole is to attach the second hose to transport oil from valve to propel hydraulic cylinder. They can be used in closed or open circulation of liquid. Joystick hydraulic valve can be connected with another joystick hydraulic valve – together they form two sections. Many valves in the row, fixed to each other, makes multi sectional valve with joystick on each section.

Joystick hydraulic valve is mainly operated by lever but can be also combined with other types of control, like electric with solenoid or servomotor. In the simplest model joystick hydraulic valce has lever to manage the flow of oil trough the valve. Joystick is controlled manually and every move is designed to perform the appropriate task. Most joystick hydraulic valves have got three positions, first is neutral – when lever is positioned vertically - piston cylinder stand and oil goes to overflow, second for work - lever set to slant forward – piston cylinder extends, third also working – lever set to slant backward - piston cylinder retracts. You can find also valves with two position levers, but they can be used in many configurations mentioned before. Sometimes producers use levers with springs, so they can be easily operated and goes defined position after releasing. Valves with springs are mostly designed to go neutral or back to beginning position.

Main parameters of every valve are diameters of the piston and threads, efficiency of flow (measured by liters per minute), maximum pressure they can stand.

Hydraulic joystick valves should work in ambient temperature between -40°C to +60°C and oil temperature above -15°C and beyond +80°C. Type of oil is defined by producer and type of valve.

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