Valve for mower

Valve for mower

- Categories : Hydraulic Master blog

Valve for mower are valves used in farming mowers. They allow for control of the mower's hydraulic system and are the integral parts of their design. They are crucial to operate a mower and serve many different functions across the machine itself. The three basic functions of valves are to start or stop the flow, to keep a constant direction of flow, and to regulate the flow rate and pressure.

A mower is a machine destined to cutting grass or other plants that grow on the ground. Mowing should be considered different from reaping, which uses similar solutions but is the term for harvesting rain crops, with reapers and combines.

Small mowers used for lawns and sports fields are called lawn mowers or ground mowers. They are often self-powered and are small enough to be pushed by the operator. Ground mowers have a reel or rotary cutters. Larger mowers are used to cut grass or crops.

Mowers can be used in a lot of different configurations that are based on several cutting units. One mower can use many units that work simultaneously, but independent from themselves. That leads to existing of different types of mowers, based on the cutting design implemented.

The first design of a cutting mechanism is named a sickle mower, also called reciprocating mower, bar mower, sickle-bar mower, or finger-bar mower. Their design is based on a bar on which are mounted fingers with stationary guard plates. The second type is a rotary mower, also called a drum mower. They function by cutting with sharpened edges mounted on a rapidly rotating bar.

The third possible design is a reel mower, popularly known as a cylinder mower. Their cutting is achieved by rotating a cylindrical reel composed of helical blades, each of which in turn runs past a horizontal cutter-bar, producing a continuous scissor action. The last popular design is a flail mower. Its name derives from a chain used to harvest crops. Each chain has a number of small blades that are cutting on the horizontal axis. That type of mower is typically used on tougher ground and vegetation.

Valves in mowers allow to control and regulate the flow of liquids. The way this works is by opening, closing, or partially obstructing various passageways. This mechanism provides control and the ability to maintain the correct distribution of fluid in the harvester's hydraulic system.

We have a broad range of valves for mowers available in our shop. Feel free to browse through them and select the ones you need. If you have trouble selecting the correct valve for mower to fulfill your needs, feel free to contact us. We will be happy to help.

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